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This function conducts multiple simulations using a trial specification as specified by setup_trial(), setup_trial_binom() or setup_trial_norm(). This function essentially manages random seeds and runs multiple simulation using run_trial() - additional details on individual simulations are provided in that function's description. This function allows simulating trials in parallel using multiple cores, automatically saving and re-loading saved objects, and "growing" already saved simulation files (i.e., appending additional simulations to the same file).


  path = NULL,
  overwrite = FALSE,
  grow = FALSE,
  cores = NULL,
  base_seed = NULL,
  sparse = TRUE,
  progress = NULL,
  version = NULL,
  compress = TRUE,
  export = NULL,
  export_envir = parent.frame()



trial_spec object, generated and validated by the setup_trial(), setup_trial_binom() or setup_trial_norm() function.


single integer; the number of simulations to run.


single character string; if specified (defaults to NULL), files will be written to and loaded from this path using the saveRDS() / readRDS() functions.


single logical; defaults to FALSE, in which case previous simulations saved in the same path will be re-loaded (if the same trial specification was used). If TRUE, the previous file is overwritten (even if the the same trial specification was not used). If grow is TRUE, this argument must be set to FALSE.


single logical; defaults to FALSE. If TRUE and a valid path to a valid previous file containing less simulations than n_rep, the additional number of simulations will be run (appropriately re-using the same base_seed, if specified) and appended to the same file.


NULL or single integer. If NULL, a default value/cluster set by setup_cluster() will be used to control whether simulations are run in parallel on a default cluster or sequentially in the main process; if a cluster/value has not been specified by setup_cluster(), cores will then be set to the value stored in the global "mc.cores" option (if previously set by options(mc.cores = <number of cores>), and 1 if that option has not been specified.
If the resulting number of cores = 1, computations will be run sequentially in the primary process, and if cores > 1, a new parallel cluster will be setup using the parallel library and removed once the function completes. See setup_cluster() for details.


single integer or NULL (default); a random seed used as the basis for simulations. Regardless of whether simulations are run sequentially or in parallel, random number streams will be identical and appropriate (see setup_cluster() for details).


single logical, as described in run_trial(); defaults to TRUE when running multiple simulations, in which case only the data necessary to summarise all simulations are saved for each simulation. If FALSE, more detailed data for each simulation is saved, allowing more detailed printing of individual trial results and plotting using plot_history() (plot_status() does not require non-sparse results).


single numeric > 0 and <= 1 or NULL. If NULL (default), no progress is printed to the console. Otherwise, progress messages are printed to the control at intervals proportional to the value specified by progress.
Note: as printing is not possible from within clusters on multiple cores, the function conducts batches of simulations on multiple cores (if specified), with intermittent printing of statuses. Thus, all cores have to finish running their current assigned batches before the other cores may proceed with the next batch. If there are substantial differences in the simulation speeds across cores, using progress may thus increase total run time (especially with small values).


passed to saveRDS() when saving simulations, defaults to NULL (as in saveRDS()), which means that the current default version is used. Ignored if simulations are not saved.


passed to saveRDS() when saving simulations, defaults to TRUE (as in saveRDS()), see saveRDS() for other options. Ignored if simulations are not saved.


character vector of names of objects to export to each parallel core when running in parallel; passed as the varlist argument to parallel::clusterExport(). Defaults to NULL (no objects exported), ignored if cores == 1. See Details below.


environment where to look for the objects defined in export when running in parallel and export is not NULL. Defaults to the environment from where the function is called.


A list of a special class "trial_results", which contains the trial_results (results from all simulations; note that seed will be NULL in the individual simulations), trial_spec (the trial specification), n_rep, base_seed, elapsed_time (the total simulation run time), sparse (as described above) and adaptr_version (the version of the adaptr package used to run the simulations). These results may be extracted, summarised, and plotted using the extract_results(), check_performance(), summary(), print.trial_results(), plot_convergence(), check_remaining_arms(), plot_status(), and plot_history() functions. See the definitions of these functions for additional details and details on additional arguments used to select arms in simulations not ending in superiority and other summary choices.


Exporting objects when using multiple cores

If setup_trial() is used to define a trial specification with custom functions (in the fun_y_gen, fun_draws, and fun_raw_est arguments of setup_trial()) and run_trials() is run with cores > 1, it is necessary to export additional functions or objects used by these functions and defined by the user outside the function definitions provided. Similarly, functions from external packages loaded using library() or require() must be exported or called prefixed with the namespace, i.e., package::function. The export and export_envir arguments are used to export objects calling the parallel::clusterExport()-function. See also setup_cluster(), which may be used to setup a cluster and export required objects only once per session.


# Setup a trial specification
binom_trial <- setup_trial_binom(arms = c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
                                 true_ys = c(0.20, 0.18, 0.22, 0.24),
                                 data_looks = 1:20 * 100)

# Run 10 simulations with a specified random base seed
res <- run_trials(binom_trial, n_rep = 10, base_seed = 12345)

# See ?extract_results, ?check_performance, ?summary and ?print for details
# on extracting resutls, summarising and printing