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Used internally. This function calculates new allocation probabilities for each arm, based on the information specified in setup_trial(), setup_trial_binom() or setup_trial_norm() and the calculated probabilities of each arm being the best by prob_best().


  soften_power = 1,
  match_arm = NULL,
  rescale_fixed = FALSE,
  rescale_limits = FALSE,
  rescale_factor = 1,
  rescale_ignore = NULL



a resulting named vector from the prob_best() function.


numeric vector, fixed allocation probabilities for each arm. Must be either a numeric vector with NA for arms without fixed probabilities and values between 0 and 1 for the other arms or NULL (default), if adaptive randomisation is used for all arms or if one of the special settings ("sqrt-based", "sqrt-based start", "sqrt-based fixed", or "match") is specified for control_prob_fixed (described below).


numeric vector, lower threshold for adaptive allocation probabilities; lower probabilities will be rounded up to these values. Must be NA (default for all arms) if no lower threshold is wanted and for arms using fixed allocation probabilities.


numeric vector, upper threshold for adaptive allocation probabilities; higher probabilities will be rounded down to these values. Must be NA (default for all arms) if no threshold is wanted and for arms using fixed allocation probabilities.


either a single numeric value or a numeric vector of exactly the same length as the maximum number of looks/adaptive analyses. Values must be between 0 and 1 (default); if < 1, then re-allocated non-fixed allocation probabilities are all raised to this power (followed by rescaling to sum to 1) to make adaptive allocation probabilities less extreme, in turn used to redistribute remaining probability while respecting limits when defined by min_probs and/or max_probs. If 1, then no softening is applied.


index of the control arm. If not NULL (default), the control arm allocation probability will be similar to that of the best non-control arm. Must be NULL in designs without a common control arm.


logical indicating whether fixed_probs should be rescaled following arm dropping.


logical indicating whether min/max_probs should be rescaled following arm dropping.


numerical, rescale factor defined as initial number of arms/number of active arms.


NULL or index of an arm that will be ignored by the rescale_fixed and rescale_limits arguments.


A named (according to the arms) numeric vector with updated allocation probabilities.